Tucker and Parker - December 2020
The year 2020 has received a lot of hateful messages. We all entered our first worldwide pandemic and life changed dramatically. I am sad for all the lives lost, and for those individuals and business who are struggling economically. However, I cannot hate 2020; it was the very best year of my adult life.
After traveling for work for 16 years, I never imagined that I would get a year or more in which I saw my children every single day. I’m so glad I have 2 children who are such good friends as they have enjoyed playing together this year. And they are both delightful people to be around every day. For the first time ever, I felt like the boys played with ALL of their toys while we were at home in 2020. I enjoyed working out at home and cooking a lot more, finally having time to find new recipes, gather ingredients, and prepare more meals. I also had time to reorganize the attic, garage, and closets for the first time since I became a mother.
We still like to match!
In July I made the decision that both boys would stay home with me for the 20-21 school year. In contrast to the spring, this time I had the advance warning to make a plan. I blocked my work calendar until 12:00 everyday so I could teach them. Tucker receives lesson plans each week from his charter school and I put together resources from several programs so that I could teach Parker Pre-K. Parker also does online preschool circle time through a website called Outschool. The boys really love their “school time” with Mommy. I’m grateful that I had this opportunity to give Tucker 1:1 attention and teach him to read. I am grounded in the science of reading research much more than his public school teachers and he has benefitted from that support.
When I go to my desk for work meetings in the afternoon, the kids are content to be on their own. While the fall semester was better than spring, it was still challenging to balance teaching and working. Many nights, I work from 9pm until midnight or 1 a.m. just to keep my head above water. Every week is essentially a marathon to Friday evening and then I crash, totally exhausted. I one thing I have really missed is doing swing or salsa dancing. With partner dancing out of the question, I’ve spent a lot more time this year painting on the weekends which has been fulfilling and relaxing.
We spent a few days at a resort in Austin for Tucker’s fall break in September. The resort was a veritable ghost town with the boys having massive swimming pools all to themselves. We enjoyed our first Thanksgiving at home together and I had fun cooking a delicious meal. Our last mini-trip was 2 nights in Dallas after Christmas to visit Uncle Shawn and Aunt Kelly.
Omni Barton Creek
Dallas Arboretum
Tucker is my little ninja who loves running, climbing trees, and monkey bars. Santa brought him a Ninja line for the backyard so Tucker can keep up his strength while we wait to return to gymnastics class. Tucker’s most treasured possession is a large stuffed wolf (Wolfie) he received for his 4th birthday. For his 7th birthday, we stayed overnight at the Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas (and now he owns a couple more wolves). This fall as we were learning about Native Americans, I read a story about Little Rabbit. And Tucker decided to change his name to “Little Wolf”. He gets really mad if I forget and call him Tucker! He even writes Little Wolf on all of his school papers.
Great Wolf Lodge
Parker has been talking about Grandma April all year. Sometimes he will pop into one of my work meetings and announce, “did you know my grandma died?” Over time this has transformed into daily stories about his life on Mars with Grandma April, before he was born. I love that he feels such a deep connection with her. Parker loves dogs and politely approaches owners with “Excuse me, may I pet your dog?” Both of the boys have loved the small Yorkie, Benji, who joined our family in August. (I adore Benji too – I had no idea how fun a purse dog would be!)
2020 was the year I spent more time with Tucker and Parker than I ever imagined. I treasure our moments together. I love this time at home. I love not traveling out of town to leave them. I love being their schoolteacher and their piano teacher. We have enjoyed playing together with toys and games, and our movie nights on the weekend. Our three dogs love being with us every day too. One day, I will have to send Tucker and Parker back into the world. One day, I will have to leave them overnight for a business trip. However, I know that whatever the future holds, 2020 was the year that solidified the bond between the 3 of us, forever.
We have been blessed to remain healthy throughout. I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy as well. I look forward to hugging my friends when it is safe. In the meantime, the Flowers are home together.