Last week Tucker celebrated his 4 month birthday. He is still at the 95th percentile for height at 26 1/2 inches and weighs 14 lbs 6 oz. Last fall, my brother and I found a box in my mom's house marked "baby clothes" where she had saved some of her favorite outfits. I immediately recognized this sailor suit from my brother's baby pictures -- but I didn't know there was a sailboat on the front (the picture I remember was my brother him laying on his stomach). Tucker had fun playing dress up in Uncle Shawn's clothes!
4 months
1969 wardrobe
Tucker went on his first road trip 3 weeks ago to San Antonio, TX. He was a fantastic traveler, sleeping in the car for 4 hours each way. After we returned, he started sleeping in his "big baby" crib in his own room. Every day is filled with his entertaining chatter, smiles, and new discoveries (last week he discovered his feet!).
Tucker had a great first Easter and enjoyed meeting the big Easter Bunny.
Here Tucker is sporting his Easter chick outfit. I like the old-fashioned "bubble suits" for boys where a baby boy gets to look like a baby. I think he has plenty of time to dress like a miniature man later...
I was on bed rest with my baby boy embryo during Easter week last year. And I had bought Tucker his first Easter bunny (the chocolate brown one) which sat next to me the whole time. I had fun giving him the bunny this year!
I am thoroughly enjoying motherhood and life in general. I just wish my own mother was here to play with us. I miss her more than ever.