Clearly, things are very busy at the Flowers household and I wish I had more time for our blog. Tucker had a fun summer including attending camp at his preschool, music camp, and several weeks of sports/gymnastics camps. In addition, Tucker went back to swimming lessons in June and by July he was jumping in and swimming to me without a vest. Parker enjoyed the pools too, swimming around in his baby boat.
In June, Tucker went to his first movie (Cars 3) and stage show (The World According to Snoopy). Also, Parker went on his first airplane ride as I had to work for a couple of days in McAllen, Texas.
July 1st marked Parker's first birthday. We had a special visit with Nenek (Sarah) and Uncle Shawn for the big celebration. Parker's party was a Peter Rabbit themed affair with snacks, decorations, treats, and cake to match. Parker started taking steps with confidence between his birthday and his party on July 8th.
In August, Tucker started attending a new school, The Woodlands Montessori. We saw Shawn again while on a business trip to Dallas. And we returned home just in time to spend 4 days inside of the house during Storm Harvey. This was a very stressful time between the tornado warnings and the flooding which eventually reached my neighborhood. If you didn't see my story on Facebook, check out
Tucker, Uncle Shawn, and balloon animal Chase from Paw Patrol
In September, Parker got his first haircut. And we all attended an Astros Game with our close friends, the Grimms. When we aren't at school/work, we stay busy with the local parks & pools, indoor playgrounds, children's museums, trampoline park, Ninja warrior kid's obstacle course, science lab, and visiting fire stations. Whew!
Today Parker turned 15 months old. Last weekend, I nursed Parker for the last time which was extremely sad for both of us. Parker is walking, climbing, swinging, and going up/down slides or stairs at any opportunity. He loves to be outside in the yard or at the park. Since recently figuring out the doggie door, he can be found outside all of the time! Parker has had an explosion of language development over the past month. In addition to several signs, he says words including: mama, Tucker, uh-oh, bye, hi, basketball, book, peek-a-boo, shoes, and more. As a typical one year old, Parker is "into everything" as he explores our house!
Offering Mom a Fruit Loop - 15 months
We had a fun photo shoot for Parker's first birthday. So I will end with these images of the boys that I adore.