Only 6 more weeks until Tucker's arrival! My last out of town trip and flight was 2 weeks ago. We are so relieved to be "grounded" at home now. And after 10 years of traveling, the thought of 5 or 6 months at home is pretty amazing.
I had a lovely shower on Sunday afternoon with some special ladies from my church. Out of 9 guests, four of the women were ordained ministers! (And there was a 5th minister invited who could not attend -- or we might have set a world record). In addition to gifts and food, we also have a lovely prayer circle and everyone wrote a blessing for Tucker. They also wrote on birthday cards for him at future ages -- those will be fun to read years from now! My hostess, Lilia is a culinary arts teacher so the "fruit baby" she made was the star of the shower.
Anise & Lilia
Umbrella Cupcakes
Floral arrangement of baby items