Greetings from Anise and Peanut! We are slightly over halfway at 21 weeks gestation. This week I have been delighting in feeling Peanut move around. I had heard the sensation described as “fluttering” but that is not my experience. To me, it feels like gentle bubbles popping in my tummy. I had to do some Google research to learn that lots of other mom’s also describe the movement as “bubbles” or “popcorn popping”. Mostly I feel him when I’m lying down, late at night or early in the morning. I love to relax and let Peanut do his aerobics!!
Another delightful aspect of being pregnant is that loved ones, friends, and strangers alike shower you with positive energy. There is something about a new baby coming that brings out such joy in others. I believe that as spiritual beings, the largest part of us is pure joy. Being showered with love and happiness feels so great because it affirms the highest part of your spirit, whose natural state is the same pure happiness.
I’ve started reading Peanut bedtime stories. I look forward to continuing this through the third trimester. And what fun it will be to continue sharing books and stories once he is here in his separate form!
I am continuing to enjoy being pregnant and feeling great. Thanks for all of the sweet comments and sharing this journey with me.