Baby Tucker turned 3 weeks old yesterday! He is happy and growing well. At his 2 week doctor's visit, he was at the 73rd percentile for weight and 99th for height (very long limbs!). I am spending my days and nights breastfeeding my little "hungry hippo" (it seems his mouth is always open wide...) Then when he falls asleep, I make the big decision about whether to feed myself, sleep, or the luxury choice -- take a shower! Tucker is a very sweet baby and generally just cries to say he is hungry. He sleeps through all kinds of noises, including Bobby's loud barking. I am thoroughly enjoying motherhood and feel so blessed by this time that we have together. Here are a few pictures from his life so far.
12/16/13: 72 hours old
Train on his 1st outfit in honor of Grandpa Tucker
Look what Santa brought!
First Christmas
Uncle Shawn
2 weeks old
3 weeks old
Tucker Vaughn Flowers
Arrived 12-14-13 at 7:23 pm
Weight 8 lbs 13 oz
Length 21.5 inches