During the third week of June, Tucker began sitting up on his own. This has delightfully opened up a new world of experiences for him and a different way to interact with his toys. Tucker rode in the front of the grocery cart for the first time and he happily chattered through the whole shopping experience. He also gets to sit up in highchairs at restaurants now. On the topic of eating, Tucker really enjoys rice cereal. But he is still very unsure about fruits and vegetables. I never cease to be entertained by the terrible face he makes in response to a new food. And, even more, the way his whole body shudders in disgust!
We had some photos taken for his sixth month birthday. I didn't want to wrangle him and the live Labradors for a family photo. So I used stuffed replicas of his canine siblings instead.
Also, for your entertainment, Tucker has a new movie posted here: http://youtu.be/MLxENh8Nh0g
Today, Tucker turns seven months old. And five years ago his Grandma April made her transition to Angel. We miss her and celebrate the many ways in which she lovingly permeates our lives.