9 Months, 9-14-14
Hi, now that I’m 9 months old, Mommy told me that I could write the blog update myself. These days I really enjoy standing and bouncing. I can stand by myself next to furniture. If you try to sit me on the floor, I’m likely to object because I would rather stand and I’m trying to pull up on things.
This is my wooden toy box that was my mom's when she was a little girl.
I’m also saying syllables like “mamama”. And of course I like to blow raspberries and make other funny sounds. Sometimes I squeal very loudly too. I think Peek-a boo is a very funny game now and I am very ticklish. And I like to sing songs like the Itsy Bitsy Spider and the Wheels on the Bus. I love to hang upside and my mom calls me her “little baby bat.” I like to pet my doggie brother and sister sometimes. But I wish Bobby wouldn’t steal toys from me!
For once, Bobby isn't stealing my toys!
I enjoy playing with my toys, often with something in each hand. And if you build a tower of blocks or cups, I love to knock it down. I like to take objects out of containers and I like to play with dishes in the kitchen while Mommy is cooking or washing dishes. I like to chew on board books and listen to my bedtime stories each night. In the bath, I like to play with my Odd Ducks.
Everyone who meets me says that I am a very happy, alert, laid-back baby. And they say I have my mother’s eyes. Whenever I wear blue, it highlights my blue eyes. And I have curly hair in the back. My two top teeth are coming in so I’m up to 4 teeth now.
Baby curls
I am a very good traveler. So far in nine months, I have been to San Antonio (twice), Austin (twice), Dallas (twice), Little Rock, and New Orleans. We went to New Orleans over Labor Day weekend for our first summer vacation. I got to meet lots of new friends there along with my Aunt Heather, and cousins, Caroline & Emily. I usually sleep in my carseat which makes the road trips easy for mom.
My mom says I am a very good shopper, too. I like to go places like the grocery store, Target, and the Mall. My legs are so long, I can put them up on the front of my stroller and people laugh to see a baby “kicked back”. Most days, we go to the gym and I get to play while Mommy exercises.
I’m very lucky to have my Nana as my nanny. Nana (Karla) comes to play with me a few days a week so that Mommy can get work done in her office or go out to meetings. Nana also travels with us on work trips. She entertains me in the hotel room and pushes me around in the stroller. We had a great time in July strolling along the River Walk, although it was very Hot!
Wishing you many happy days ahead filled with songs, fun, cuddles, naps, and laughter.
8 months, 8-14-14