Aquarium visit for Mom's birthday
At 19 months, Tucker is an expert at imitation. I am amazed at the things he can do after seeing a behavior only one time! Tucker knows everything you are supposed to do at Mommy’s desk: talk on the phone, write on the calendar, type on the keyboard, use the mouse etc.
He is very helpful around the house with the laundry, mopping, and unloading the dishwasher. I didn’t know a toddler could be such a great assistant! In the bathroom, Tucker also likes to play with Mommy’s make-up brushes, lotion, and hair clips. He even knows how to rub a cotton ball on his toes, like Mom removing nail polish.
Loading his paper plate into the dishwasher
Tucker continues to love the outdoors. For the past month or so, his days are filled with the litany of “bye-bye, bye-bye”. Translation = Let’s go somewhere, Mom!! Tucker wants to go for a walk on our street or sometimes to the playground. Tucker likes to help bring home the mail or just chase a ball down the street. He is quite friendly and waves to any passing car or person.
Off to get the mail
Sometimes Tucker uses “bye-bye” to actually mean good-bye. This is not just when a person is leaving. But also, he might say good-bye to Bobby and Darby as we leave the living room for another part of the house. The dogs haven’t learned how to wave back yet but I’m sure they appreciate his sweet farewell.
Tucker has a unique language, as with every young child learning concepts and acquiring English. “Moo moo” means “I’d like some milk or water to drink.” “Bowl” means “I’d like a bowl of cereal.” And while “Hoo hoo” sounds like Owl, it actually means “I’d like a fork.” For trains, trucks, and other vehicles, Tuckers says “Choo choo!” along with the appropriate horn tooting hand motion. Seems like news words are emerging every day. He is busy imitating both what he sees and what he hears. But I’m kind of glad that Tucker hasn’t learned to say “Yes” yet. Because right now, if you ask a question or guess what he wants correctly, Tucker responds affirmatively with a cute little LAUGH. He is such a joy-filled creature.
Early piano prodigy