The first weekend of June was a flurry of preparations for Parker’s arrival. Thanks to a visit from my brother, the nursery went from an empty room to a fully furnished, cozy, “Snoopy” space.
Also, my friends, Lois & Shannon, threw an absolutely delightful shower for us. Shannon made many cute decorations that were later incorporated into the nursery. I enjoyed catching up with my precious friends and celebrating Parker.
Lois & Shannon
As of June 14th, Tucker is 2 ½ years old and 3 feet tall!
This past week, Tucker attended a class at the hospital for big brothers & sisters. He learned how to hold a baby, what the baby can and can’t eat, what kind & size of toys a baby can have etc. And we went on a tour through the Labor & Delivery unit so he could see where Mommy will be staying in a couple of weeks.
I’m busy nesting at home (washing baby clothes, blankets etc.), running errands, and wrapping up projects at work. Looking forward to July 1st!!
Receiving certificate for Big Brother class