Parker’s first couple of months have been quite a fun whirlwind! I thoroughly enjoyed my 10 weeks off work and stayed very busy with both boys. I’m back at work now and blessed to have found another awesome nanny, Ana. Tucker is enjoying his new class at preschool where he attends three days per week.
Parker has been a very sweet, content baby. He is only getting up once per night now – so a good sleeper too. Parker is an adorable, chubby baby. He was at the 85th percentile for weight at his 2 month visit. Parker weighs a pound more than Tucker did at 2 months and he is more than an inch shorter.
I thought Tucker would be a great big brother. Even so, he has far exceeded my expectations. Tucker likes to hold Parker, kiss him, and say “I love you.” He wants to show him toys and books (especially books with textures to touch). The first time Parker took a bath, Tucker ran all the way upstairs and returned with his favorite bath toy (a monster truck) for Parker. When Parker had a fever and needed Tylenol, Tucker held his hand while I gave him medicine. Tucker tries to comfort Parker whenever he cries, especially in the car where he says “Almost there, Parker. Almost there.” Tucker also held his hand during a thunderstorm. When Parker lays under his safari gym, Tucker always wants to lay with him and tell him about the animals. Tucker also likes to choose Parker’s clothes for him and pat his back when he needs to burp. Tucker often says he wants to “see Parker’s eyes.” He is excited to tell him Good Morning each day and kiss him good night at bedtime. This brotherly love just makes my heart burst with happiness. I know that as Parker gets older he will continue to enrich our family in new ways.
Drinking yogurt and holding baby brother's hand.
Parker's first two months have been blessed by visits from local friends and family from out of town (Papa, Nenek, & Uncle Shawn).
I am so deeply grateful for the gift of my beloved Parker. I wish I could tell his biological parents how I appreciate their generosity and selflessness. For they loved that little embryo so much, and wanted him to have a life so badly, that they were willing to part with him. This is truly a precious, priceless gift.