Tucker (3 years) and Parker (6 months)
Last year I wrote a love letter to any parents who have ever lost a baby. And this year, I am writing a thank you letter to two physicians who were instrumental in helping me achieve the dream of motherhood.
In March of 2012, I went to see Dr. Michael Marlow who has been my family physician for over a decade. He is a very kind and thoughtful doctor. Dr. Marlow really takes the time to talk, listen, and connect with his patients. When I spoke to him about my serious depression, he offered to write me a prescription. Many physicians would have stopped there and been on to the next person. However, Dr. Marlow took the time to find out the cause of my despair and then encouraged me to become a mother on my own. I said that I was having a hard time giving up on my dream of a husband and a family. And he replied “You’re not giving up the dream. You’re just making yourself a package deal.” At the time, I had other friends encouraging me to become a single mother and receiving this same advice from a man whom I like and respect was very powerful. I never filled that prescription and instead made an appointment with a fertility doctor.
Which leads me to the second amazing physician, Dr. Jason Griffith. Dr. Griffith truly is responsible for the sage advice, support, and stellar medical treatment which resulted in the attainment of my motherhood dream. Dr. Griffith is warm and supportive through disappoints and genuinely delighted and excited by success. He clearly loves his work, evidenced by his desire for former patients to come by the clinic to visit with their “big bellies” and with the new babies. And I’ve known Dr. Griffith to return my phone call at 7 p.m. or answer an email over the weekend. He truly cares.
Dr. Griffith and Tucker at 5 months
After I lost 4 embryos, Dr. Griffith met with me and said “if you were my sister, this is what I would tell her to do next…” By following his advice, I became pregnant with Tucker in 2013.
After losing one more embryo in 2015, I met with Dr. Griffith again to discuss my options for a sibling. I told him that I was interested in adopting an embryo. Dr. Griffith knew of a couple who had been patients of his and wanted to give away their remaining embryos. And I subsequently became pregnant with Parker. I feel that after knowing me for three years, Dr. Griffith did an excellent job of matching me with this precious baby boy who needed a mother.
Dr. Griffith meets Parker
Happy Valentines Day from the Flowers.
All you need is love. (And sometimes a great doctor!)
My sweet Valentines