These past 3 months have been a delightful whirlwind of work, travel, holidays, and milestones. I returned to work during the busiest conference season of the year in October and November. Parker has already been to Waco, Austin, and the Houston Galleria. Like his big brother, Parker has adapted well to long car rides and spending nights in hotels!
Fire Chief and his Dalmation
We had fun with our first joint costume at Halloween. I know Tucker is looking forward to future years when Parker can go trick or treating with him. These days, Tucker begins lots of sentences with "when Parker is bigger ______". Fill in the blank with all the fun things that a 3 year old wants to share with his little brother.
November brought Thanksgiving dinners and fall festivals. Also, a new dog, Lucy, joined our family. She is a 16 month Labradoodle and still very much a puppy. Bobby and Darby pretty much ignore their baby sister's antics. But Tucker and Lucy love to play chase. Yes, this makes me single mother to FIVE!
During December, we took in all of the holiday festivities including pancakes with Santa and Zoo Lights. We had a small celebration at the house for Tucker's third birthday and then cupcakes at school with his classmates. And we had a lovely Christmas visit with the Flowers family at our house.
As the new year began, Parker turned 6 months old. His christening ceremony was held on Christmas Day while the Flowers were in town. Parker is laughing, babbling, and imitating. He is very interested in toys and chews on everything (including his toes). He is nearly sitting up by himself. A few weeks ago, Parker learned to roll onto his stomach. But he is at the stage where he keeps getting "stuck" there! I am enjoying the journey of watching a baby develop all over again. And this time, we have big brother along for the fun!
Best wishes for a wondrous 2017.