I am celebrating the close of the 2018-2019 school year. This was my sixteenth school year working for Pearson. This school year was the most grueling, difficult, challenging, exhausting year of my career. If you follow us on Facebook, I’m sure you have seen happy pictures of me with Tucker and Parker and our fun adventures. But social media does not tell the whole story.
At the start of 2016, two long-time leaders of the Pearson Clinical sales group retired at the same time. In 2017, Pearson hired a new Senior VP of Sales who did not understand our organization. So, for the 2017-2018 school year, we had a completely new internal sales structure. One year later in June of 2018, yet another new Senior VP of Sales was hired. He conducted another completely different reorganization of the company. And this time it was radically different. On a Friday the 13th (last July), 80 colleagues were laid off, some of whom I had worked with for 10-15 years. During this school year, my job has required covering a much larger geographical territory, traveling away from home more, and working more hours. And those extra hours came from when I used to sleep. Many nights I was still up at 12 or 1 am to write and prepare presentations. I traveled to 4 different cities during the first 2 weeks of December alone. Consequently, I did not have the time or energy for sending Christmas cards, or even New Year’s cards.
Merry Christmas 2018
I loved having my Flowers family in Texas for Christmas this year. We have a fun time seeing the boys enjoy their new toys from us and from Santa. Unfortunately, my dad was in a serious car accident while traveling back home from the holidays. But he seems to have recovered well and he is enjoying his replacement vehicle. We are looking forward to a visit with “Papa” again this summer at his house in Arkansas.
During the Christmas break, I resolved to take control of my calendar and have better balance. I never met that goal. In 2019, I spent another 4 months being chronically sleep deprived and stressed. Many nights, I would fall asleep at 8:30 pm in a rocking chair in Parker’s bedroom. And then wake up sometime later, put Tucker to bed, and go to my office to work.
My boyfriend in Jamaica
On a positive note, this was the first year that Pearson did a reward trip for top performers. I was very pleased to earn the trip and spent 4 days in January at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. I had four trips during the month of February so I took the boys with me on two of them. Of course, they have both been going on business trips with mommy since birth so this was great fun for them.
Thanksgiving with Arizona Ma & Pa
We took two wonderful family vacations this year, flying on frequent flyer miles and staying with special friends. In November we spent a week in Scottsdale, AZ. The boys had fun at local parks and visiting the world’s largest butterfly sanctuary. In early April we visited Long Beach, CA with 3 fun-filled days at Disneyland. In late March we also went on our first “camping” trip to a local park. The boys had fun going on a scavenger hunt, watching a movie outside, and sleeping in a tent. In April I was also very brave and took two lessons to learn how to ride a bicycle. While I’m sure it would have been easier to learn as a child, my instructor had me riding within an hour -- which shows that it is never too late to learn something new! Tucker and Parker and taking a class this month to learn how to ride their balance bikes too. Soon we will be a family on 6 wheels.
Disneyland 2019
First time camping
I am deeply grateful that I did not have to travel during the month of May. I have thoroughly enjoyed some time at home and a break of working at my desk seven nights a week after the boys go to bed. While this has been an incredibly challenging year, I still love the people I work with and I believe in the tests that I teach. I am fortunate to have fantastic customers in Texas schools as well, some of whom I have known for many, many years. I am excited about the opportunities for leadership and growth that seem to be available for me at Pearson. I am continuing to strive for better work/life balance in the future. I have made a concerted effort to stay connected with my precious friends and my family. And on rare occasions, I even sneak away for an evening of painting or dancing – something to refresh my soul.
This year the boys were attending preschool full time (5 days) instead of 3 days a week. This change led to me not having a consistent overnight babysitter. The children have been incredibly resilient, adapting to the 5 different sitters who stayed with them overnight this year. But I am hoping for their sake and mine to have 1 consistent sitter this year. I spent much of May interviewing new candidates.
Also this month, we spent two weeks on a major home renovation project. After 15 years in my house, I replaced all the carpet on the first floor with tile that looks like wood. We are very much enjoying our new, beautiful floors.
Lucy approving the new floors
In the midst of this difficult year, I managed to publish my second children’s book, Mindfulness on My Street: A Guide for Children. The book teaches children about several different ways to practice mindfulness. I am very proud of this creation and hope that parents and children find it to be useful. I am excited to have received an invitation to speak about mindfulness at a summer conference for educators in July. The book is available from Author House (https://www.authorhouse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/790435-Mindfulness-on-My-Street) and I’m also happy to ship an autographed copy.
Stay tuned for Part II: Boys
Book Launch Party