Little Sheriffs, Fall 2018
Tucker and Parker are most definitely the light of my life. I feel so blessed to have these happy, healthy, sweet boys.
Tucker is a fantastic big brother as he teaches, guides, and encourages Parker. I appreciate that they are old enough now to play together and give me a few minutes to cook a meal or fold laundry. Both boys attended a music class at school this year and Tucker started taking piano lessons in January. Tucker had his first piano recital in May, playing Yankee Doodle. Sometimes in the car, Tucker likes to play “Name that Tune.” I am always impressed with his ability to guess any song, and often within just the first few notes.
This month, Tucker celebrated his 2 year anniversary at ASI Gymnastics. In that time span, he has been promoted four times. In December, as he was turning 5, he was promoted to Boys Silver. And then after only 3 months, he moved again to Boys Gold. I figured they would recruit him someday to be on a competitive team but I certainly wasn’t expected the coach to start talking about Team while he was still in PreK. Tucker is the youngest boy in this class, but perhaps the most focused. Yesterday his coach said “Tucker was awesome today, as always. Never talks. All business.” Last week Tucker was introduced a jump rope at gymnastics. He spent the rest of that Saturday practicing at home repeatedly until he could jump it multiple times successfully. Tucker displays that same determination at playgrounds where he will go up and down the monkey bars, over and over.
Tucker, Spring 2019, age 5
Tucker is finishing his second year at the Montessori preschool. He is friends with everyone in the class and talks to his teacher a little bit (but not a lot) now. Tucker has learned his letter sounds and is reading 3 letter words. He had fun this spring with typing names of animals on my phone. He was so excited to learn that when you sound out/spell the animal correctly, an emoji picture of the animal pops up. (He thought I was very cool for having emojis on my phone!!). Tucker really enjoys math also. He is writing addition equations at schools and likes to mentally add numbers. After learning the names of the continents, and the countries of North America, Tucker is working on learning the US map of states.
In late July, Tucker will be starting Kindergarten at a charter school called Brighton Academy. The school has small classes with lots of hands-on learning. They take a shorter summer, only 6 weeks, in order to have 2 week breaks between every quarter during the year. I’m looking forward to this next adventure in his education career.
Spring 2019
Parker is also thriving at the Montessori preschool. In March, he moved up early to a Primary (3-6 yr old) class. At 32 months, he was the “baby” on the class and extremely popular due to his cuteness and his personality. Parker’s teacher reports that he starts each morning by walking around to greet every child in the class and ask “How are you?” Parker is a social butterfly. He will approach a child at a park and say “Hi, What’s your name?” And then remember the name!!
Official move to Blue room
Parker likes to talk about shapes and counts to 20 (I attribute this partly to his year long obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). He has several of his favorite board books memorized. I love it when he wants to “read” the story to me at bedtime. This year, Parker also started telling stories. For months he would start every story with “One Upon a Time…” He continues to excel with his language skills and I’m excited for him to start taking Spanish this summer. Parker learned about a new composer one day in music class, and the next day he went around asking adults, “Do you know Sebastian Bach?” Parker also likes nature, He is forever collecting “spiky balls” (dropped from trees) and small rocks to stuff into his pockets.
Parker loves going to gymnastics as well. After nearly a year, he just moved up to a class for 3 year olds. I’m embracing this change because now Parker can go to class without mom. I can relax on the sidelines to watch both boys. Every morning, Parker asks “where are we going?” Five days a week, I reply “school” and he starts crying, “I want to go to Gymnastics!”
Parker, Spring 2019, age 2 1/2
For over a year, Parker has chosen to sleep in his Snoopy sleeping bag every night, instead of a bed. This spring, he decided that he wanted to sleep in Tucker’s room. Easily arranged – we just moved his sleeping bag to Tucker’s bedroom. And then Parker started to stuff extra things into his sleeping bag, like “friends” (stuffed toys), books, toys, and a water bottle. Some nights it seems like there is barely room left for him to squeeze in among the friends and treasures. I call this his Swiss Army Sleeping Bag!
Easter 2019
Maybe our next update won’t take so long. But then again, I have 6 trips between June and July – so summer will be crazy. For our friends in Arkansas, we are passing through in early July so leave a light on for us!
Easter 2019