We are so thrilled to be expanding our family! Tucker is very excited when he sees a baby. One day at the park, he stood and stared into a stroller to watch a little baby. I know he is going to be a super big brother. He got a baby boy and stroller for his birthday and Tucker loves to take his “baby” for walks in the neighborhood.
Our new baby boy is nicknamed “Snowman” because of his first photo. This was taken on embryo transfer day when he was a 100 cell, 5 day old blastocyst.
3 weeks gestation
Snowman is an embryo that I adopted from a couple anonymously. This couple had embryos left after they finished having children. And rather than destroy the embryos, they wanted to give them away. I am so blessed that they wanted their son to be born and have life so much that they were willing to give him to me. Embryo adoption is certainly a unique phenomenon that has grown out of IVF practices. In this case, the baby is not biologically related to me but I get to be his birth mother.
Snowman is due on 7-14-16. Here is a newer picture from his 11 week ultrasound. So far I am exhausted with keeping up with a toddler and being pregnant. I’ve had bronchitis that lasted 4 weeks, morning sickness, and several other colds. But in the 2nd trimester now, I’m hoping for better health and energy all around. Stay tuned for more updates on my little boys!
11 weeks gestation